banner.jpg (15597 bytes)

You have reached John Mercer's WebPage.

"Good for you.  I bet you feel really proud."

    safbul1a.gif (2054 bytes)  Introduction

    Well, this is it.  I have finally decided to make another WebPage.  My old one was forgotten about and left to rot.  Anyway, this page will actually have a point to it unlike my other one.  it will be about ME (after all, what would anyone want to learn about besides me), but not just who I am, but why I am that way.  This will be a journal of my thoughts and ideas for everyone to see.   Well, read on and see just what the hell I mean.

    safbul1a.gif (2054 bytes)    Stuff
                Yes, you read it right.  It says stuff, in a nice happy red font.  oh goody

        button me.jpg (28214 bytes)--------information about the one, the only...  ME!


        button picture.jpg (20754 bytes)--------See who I am, and what I've done


        button music.jpg (24526 bytes)--------My reason for being.  Learn about my music


        buttonwritings.jpg (25491 bytes)--------Stuff I've written.  Duh! What else would it be?


        button otherjpg.jpg (26628 bytes)--------All the other crap I wanted to put on the site


        button links.jpg (27278 bytes)--------hhhhmmmmm...  I wonder what this could be



    safbul1a.gif (2054 bytes)    Conclusion

    Well, that's everything.  I hope you have enjoyed my page.   If you have any questions or comments regarding anything on this page, please feel free to e-mail me at .  All* messages will be responded** to. 

*every message that actually deserves an answer

**response may take a long time, due to laziness.  Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause


You are person number Hit Counter to go to this page.   Why don't you give yourself a nice slap on the back

By the way, this page was last edited 07/22/00 .   isn't that interesting