This is my writing page.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to type any of my stuff up (all of my writings are either hand written, or not saved on the computer), but I happened to have a few old things on the computer, and I figured, what the hell!   It's better than nothing!  Anyway, these things are from my 10th grade English class. Please note that all of these were handed in for a grade, and on almost every one I received an A.  This page will take a long time to complete, but I'm working on it!

One more thing.  Be open minded when you read these, and understand that insanity IS creativity (and vice versa)

1.  September, 98

    It happened so suddenly.  It was so unexpected.  It was all so shocking and disturbing.  I had been on a prison ship for about 2 weeks now traveling to an outpost on a far planet.  One night everything was peaceful (or at least as peaceful as it can get on a prison ship), and all of a sudden the ship began shaking.  Emergency sirens were let out, and the ship started shaking even more.  At this point a florescent ceiling light from above me fell, making direct contact with my head,  leaving me unconscious and confused.
I awakened about five hours later to find myself in a pile of rubble.  I pushed it off of me and stood up.  I soon noticed that my cell door was completely ripped off, so I ventured out looking to find someone to ask what had happened.  No one was there.  The ship had been completely abandoned, but every once in a while I would hear some rustling or footsteps in the distance.  By now I was extremely hungry, so I went down to the kitchen to see if any food was left in it.  When I arrived, I found that the food storage was untouched, so I helped myself to some mashed potatoes, a few boxes of crackerjacks, and two cans of coke.
Occasionally, I thought I heard movement behind me, and every once in a while I thought I heard chuckling, but when I would turn my head to look, I would see nothing but the empty cafeteria.  I then stood up and wandered on, feeling more refreshed, and more conscious.  I walked until I entered the pilot room.  When I opened the door I heard a muffled grunt, some scurrying, and then saw that the pilot chair was left spinning slowly.  I became extremely frightened at this moment and happened to catch a glimpse of a gun on the floor by the spinning chair.  I ran, grabbed it, and cradled it in my arms now feeling more secure.  All of a sudden I heard a noise, kind of like the noise a spoon makes when you drop it on linoleum, coming from the closet.  I held my gun, shaking with fear at the door.  I slowly walked up to it until I was not a yard from it.  All of a sudden something grabbed my shoulder.  I let out a piercing scream and immediately heard my roommate’s voice saying that it’s all right and that I had a bad dream.  I sighed in relief, and got up from my bed in the dark and gloomy cell that I was happy to be back in.  I looked at my roommate, then down at my still trembling hands.  Suddenly, I looked at my roommate again, and realized that it wasn’t my roommate after all…